History MCQ Test – 52

History MCQ Test Read the questions given below. Select the best from the given 4 options-

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1. Of the four main Chalukya dynasties of early medieval India Pulkesin II, who defeated Harsha, belonged to Chalukya dynasty of


2. What was the name of the Sabha started by Debendranath Tagore?


3. To campaign for Home Rule, Mrs. Annie Besant published the newspaper(s)


4. The Pallava king responsible for carving the Rathas of Mahabalipuram was


5. The system of civil services had been introduced into India by


6. Bhasa was the author of _______.


7. The word Pakistan was coined by


8. On which date was the announcement formally made that India and Pakistan would be made free?


9. Raziya (the daughter of IItutmish) the only woman ruler in the history of Medieval India ascended the throne with the support of


10. The historic fact by Gandhi came to an end as a result of the


11. The Buddhist universities of Nalanda and Vikramshila in Bihar were destroyed during the invasions of


12. The most important cause for the outbreak of the Ghadar revolution was the


13. Who had become the first Governor-General of India after independence?


14. Who was the court poet of Harsha-Vardhan?


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