Soporific Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Soporific – Adjective / Noun

Soporific Meaning in English:

      • Sleeping pill

An adjective that describes something that has a tendency to induce sleep or drowsiness.

Soporific Meaning in Hindi:

      • निद्राजनक

Use of “Soporific” Word in Sentences, Examples

English: The sound of rain on the roof is often soporific and can lull you into a peaceful sleep.
Hindi: छत पर गिरती बारिश की आवाज अक्सर निद्राप्रद होती है और आपको शांत नींद में ले जाती है।
English: The professor’s soporific lecture put most of the students to sleep.
Hindi: प्रोफेसर का सुन्दरी प्रवचन अधिकांश छात्रों को सुला दिया।
English: The soporific effect of the boring documentary caused many viewers to doze off.
Hindi: उबाऊ डॉक्यूमेंट्री का सुंदरी प्रभाव कई दर्शकों को सुनने पर उन्होंने नींद में डूब जाने की प्रेरणा दी।

Synonyms of Soporific: Sleep-inducing, hypnotic, boring, tedious, monotonous.
Antonyms of Soporific: Stimulating, invigorating, exciting, captivating, interesting.


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