Humbuggery – Noun
Humbuggery Meaning in English:
- hypocrisy
- deception.
It is used to describe fraudulent or dishonest behavior, typically involving the manipulation of facts or the use of misleading tactics.
Humbuggery Meaning in Hindi:
- धूर्तता
Use of “Humbuggery” Word in Sentences, Examples
- English: The politician’s promises turned out to be nothing but humbuggery to win votes.
- Hindi: राजनेता के वादे बस मतभेद में वोट प्राप्त करने के लिए की गई छल थीं।
- English: The company’s claims of a miraculous product were exposed as mere humbuggery to lure customers.
- Hindi: कंपनी के चमत्कारी उत्पाद के दावे ग्राहकों को आकर्षित करने के लिए केवल छल निकले।
Synonyms of Humbuggery: deception, trickery, fraud, hoax, sham
Antonyms of Humbuggery: honesty, integrity, truthfulness, sincerity
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