Mezzanine Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Mezzanine – Noun

Mezzanine Meaning in English:

      • an intermediate story

It refers to an intermediate floor or level in a building that is partially open to the floor below.

Mezzanine Meaning in Hindi:

      • बीच का तल्ला
      • मध्यम मंजिल

Use of “Mezzanine” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: The office space on the mezzanine level provides additional working areas for employees.
  • Hindi: मीज़ानीन स्तर पर कार्यालय स्थान कर्मचारियों के लिए अतिरिक्त कार्य क्षेत्र प्रदान करता है।
  • English: The bookstore has a cozy reading nook on the mezzanine, overlooking the main floor.
  • Hindi: पुस्तकालय मीज़ानीन पर एक आदर्श पठन कोना है, जो मुख्य मंच को देखता है।
  • English: The restaurant has additional seating on the mezzanine, offering a nice view of the dining area below.
  • Hindi: रेस्टोरेंट मीज़ानीन पर अतिरिक्त सीटिंग है, जो नीचे के भोजन क्षेत्र का अच्छा दृश्य प्रदान करती है।

Synonyms of Mezzanine: balcony, gallery, entresol, loft, mezzanine floor

Antonyms of Mezzanine: ground floor, first floor, basement


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