Ramification Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Ramification – Noun

Ramification Meaning in English:

      • branch
      • consequence

Ramification is a consequence, development, or outcome of an event or decision.

Ramification Meaning in Hindi:

      • जटिलता

Use of “Ramification” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: The ramifications of the court’s decision are still being felt.
  • Hindi: अदालत के फैसले के परिणाम अभी भी महसूस किए जा रहे हैं।
  • English: The company’s expansion into new markets has had many ramifications.
  • Hindi: कंपनी के नए बाजारों में विस्तार के कई परिणाम हुए हैं।
  • English: The tree’s branches had many ramifications.
  • Hindi: पेड़ की शाखाओं में कई जटिलताएं थीं।

Synonyms of Ramification: consequence, development, outcome, offshoot

Antonyms of Ramification: cause, root, origin, source


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