History MCQ Test – 10By Kirti Read the questions given below. Select the best from the given 4 options- Please enter your email: 1. When was the First Round Table Conference held? 1931 1933 1930 1903 2. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on 15th March ______. 1930 1928 1935 1931 3. The Nanda dynasty was established by Kharavela Mahapadma Vasudeva Pushyamitra 4. The first constitutional measure Introduced by the British in India which worked till the framing of the Indian Constitution was the Act of 1919 Indian Independence Bill the Act of 1935 Cabinet Mission Plan 5. The last constitutional provision (covering undivided India) passed by the House of Commons was Cabinet Mission Plan Indian Independence Bill Government of India Act 1935 Mountbatten (or June 3) Plan 6. Megasthanese was a Greek Ambassador sent to the court of ______. Kanishka Porus Chandragupta Maurya Ashoka 7. Two women who, while conducting the affairs of their states faced Akbar’s wars of conquest were Rani Durgawati and Chand Bibi (or Sultana), respectively of Malwa and Gujarat Jaisalmer and Khandesh Ranthambhore and Khandesh Gondwana and Ahmadnagar 8. Rana Kumbha built the famous ‘Tower of Victory’ or Kirtistambha at Chittoor in commemoration of his victory against Marwari Malwa Nagaur Gujarat 9. The Lucknow Session of INC and the Lucknow Pact (1916) were significant on account of the beginning of the tide of Indian Nationalism the pact between the Congress and Muslim League Both (a) and (b) above unity between the Moderates and the Extremists with the return of the Extremists to the Congress 10. Who among the following came to India at the instance of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni? Al-Beruni Al-Masudi Abdul Haq SuIaiman 11. The Buddhist Doctrines were written in Not Written In Any Language But Orally Transmitted Tibetan Pali Sanskrit 12. Which of the following subjects is not dealt with in the Puranas? Genealogies of gods Arithmetic Primary creation Secondary creation 13. Alexander the Great died at ______. Kabul Babylon Macedonia Susa 14. The Portuguese under the leadership of Vasco da Gama in 1498 first landed at Quilon Pulicut Cochin Calicut Loading …