One Word Substitution Quiz 24


One Word Substitution Quiz 24- Choose the best one out of the four alternatives which can be substituted for the given group of words/sentence-

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1. The practise of having many wives


2. A piece of music for two performers


3. A tank where fish or water plants are kept


4. An area where wild birds or animals protected and encouraged to breed


5. A fixed orbit in space in relation to earth


6. A long, narrow trench made in the ground by a plough


7. Living at the same time


8. Detaining and confining someone


9. Something which cannot be believed


10. Intense desire to be open spaces


11. That which cannot be defeated


12. A complete victory


13. A place where beer is made


14. A strong dislike


15. Study of the nature of God


16. Concluding part of a literary work


17. A method which never fails


18. A person who never takes alcoholic drinks


19. A person claiming to be superior in culture and intellect to others


20. A person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people.






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