Abhor – Verb
Abhor Meaning in English:
- to hate something very much
- hatred
It signifies a strong feeling of intense aversion or loathing towards something or someone.
Abhor Meaning in Hindi:
- नफ़रत करना
Use of “Abhor ” Word in Sentences, Examples
- English: I abhor violence.
- Hindi: मैं हिंसा से घृणा करता हूँ।
- English: He is a man who is filled with abhorrence.
- Hindi: वह नफरत से भरा हुआ व्यक्ति है।
Synonyms of Abhor: hate, detest, loathe, despise, abominate, shrink from, recoil from, be repulsed by, find repugnant
Antonyms of Abhor: love, admire, like, approve of, appreciate
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