Abstinent – Adjective
Abstinent Meaning in English:
- refraining
- moderation
- control
- repression
A person who voluntarily refrains or abstains from indulging in certain behaviors, particularly from consuming alcohol, or drugs, or engaging in excessive or unhealthy activities.
Abstinent Meaning in Hindi:
- संयमी
- परहेज़
- आहारनियम
- निग्रह
Use of “Abstinent ” Word in Sentences, Examples
- English: He is an abstinent person.
- Hindi: वह एक संयमित व्यक्ति है।
- English: He abstains from alcohol completely.
- Hindi: वह शराब से पूरी तरह से परहेज करता है।
Synonyms of Abstinent: temperate, abstemious, sober, chaste, pure, clean, virginal, undefiled, uncorrupted
Antonyms of Abstinent: immoderate, excessive, intemperate, profligate, dissolute, debauched, depraved
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