Ambience Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Ambience – Noun

Ambience Meaning in English:

      • atmosphere
      • sensation
      • feeling
      • mood

It encompasses the overall feeling or vibe that one experiences in a particular setting.

Ambience Meaning in Hindi:

      • माहौल
      • वातावरण
      • महसूस
      • भाव

Use of “Ambience” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: The ambience of the restaurant was warm and inviting.
  • Hindi: रेस्तरां का वातावरण गर्म और आमंत्रित था।
  • English: The ambience of the party was electric.
  • Hindi: पार्टी का माहौल बिजली था।
  • English: The ambience of the city was vibrant and exciting.
  • Hindi: शहर का वातावरण जीवंत और रोमांचक था।

Synonyms of Ambience: atmosphere, mood, feeling, tone, aura, vibe.

Antonyms of Ambience: harshness, harshness, crudeness, roughness, roughness, roughness.


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