Antithesis Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Antithesis – Noun

Antithesis Meaning in English:

      • contrast
      • opposition
      • antonym

It is often used to highlight the stark difference between two ideas, concepts, or qualities.

Antithesis Meaning in Hindi:

      • विरोधाभास
      • द्वंद्व
      • विपरीतार्थक शब्द

Use of “Antithesis” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: Life is full of antitheses: love and hate, light and dark, good and evil.
  • Hindi: जीवन विरोधाभासों से भरा है: प्रेम और घृणा, प्रकाश और अंधेरा, अच्छाई और बुराई।
  • English: The poem uses antithesis to create a sense of tension and conflict.
  • Hindi: कविता में विरोधाभास का उपयोग तनाव और संघर्ष की भावना पैदा करने के लिए किया जाता है।
  • English: The politician’s statement was an antithesis of his previous statements.
  • Hindi: राजनेता का बयान उनके पिछले बयानों के एक विरोधाभास था।

Synonyms of Antithesis: contrast, opposition, contradiction, dichotomy.

Antonyms of Antithesis: similarity, agreement, likeness.


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