Artful – Adjective
Artful Meaning in English:
- skillful
- clever
It used to describe someone who is clever, cunning, and skillful in a way that is often subtle or deceptive. It can also refer to something that is skillfully done or crafted.
Artful Meaning in Hindi:
- चालाक
- पांडव
Use of “Artful” Word in Sentences, Examples
English: She gave an artful response to the tricky question, avoiding a direct answer.
Hindi: उसने मुश्किल सवाल के लिए एक कुशल प्रतिक्रिया दी, सीधे जवाब से बचते हुए।
English: The artful design of the jewelry made it a valuable piece of art.
Hindi: आभूषण की कुशल डिज़ाइन ने इसे एक मूल्यवान कला का हिस्सा बना दिया।
English: His artful negotiation skills helped him secure a favorable contract.
Hindi: उसकी कुशल परिचय योग्यता ने उसे एक अनुकूल अनुबंध सुनिश्चित करने में मदद की।
Synonyms of Artful: Crafty, sly, cunning, clever, deceitful
Antonyms of Artful: Honest, straightforward, naïve, simple
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