Asthenia – Noun
Asthenia Meaning in English:
- lack of energy and strength
- Weakness
It describe a condition characterized by extreme weakness, lack of energy, and fatigue. It is often associated with a general feeling of physical and mental exhaustion, and it can be caused by various underlying medical conditions or diseases.
Asthenia Meaning in Hindi:
- शक्तिहीनता
- थकान
Use of “Asthenia” Word in Sentences, Examples
English: The patient’s asthenia was a result of the chronic illness he had been battling.
Hindi: रोगी की अस्थेनिया उस दीर्घिक बीमारी का परिणाम था जिसका वह सामना कर रहा था।
English: The prolonged lack of sleep led to a sense of asthenia and mental fatigue.
Hindi: दीर्घ नींद की कमी ने अस्थेनिया और मानसिक थकान की भावना पैदा की।
English: Post-surgery, she experienced asthenia and needed time to regain her strength.
Hindi: सर्जरी के बाद, उसने अस्थेनिया का अनुभव किया और अपनी ताकत वापस पाने के लिए समय की आवश्यकता थी।
Synonyms of Asthenia: Weakness, fatigue, debility, lassitude, exhaustion
Antonyms of Asthenia: Strength, vigor, vitality, energy, robustness
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