Avarice – Noun
Avarice Meaning in English:
- extreme desire for money
- greediness
- solicitation
An extreme or insatiable desire for wealth, greed, or material possessions.
Avarice Meaning in Hindi:
- लालच
Use of “Avarice ” Word in Sentences, Examples
- English: He is very avaricious.
- Hindi: वह बहुत लोभी है।
- English: He would do anything for money.
- Hindi: वह धन के लिए कुछ भी कर सकता है।
Synonyms of Avarice: greed, cupidity, acquisitiveness, covetousness, rapacity, mercenariness, avaricious, grasping, miserly
Antonyms of Avarice: generosity, charity, philanthropy, altruism, unselfishness, magnanimity
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