Benevolent Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Benevolent – Adjective

Benevolent Meaning in English:

      • kind
      • friendly
      • helpful to others

It refers to the inclination to do good and show goodwill towards others

Benevolent Meaning in Hindi:

      • दयालु
      • परोपकारी

Use of “Benevolent” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: The philanthropist’s generous donations to the orphanage showcased her benevolent nature and concern for the less fortunate.
  • Hindi: संतानाश्रम के लिए दात्री दान करने से उस धर्मार्थी की दयालु स्वभाव और भाग्यहीनों के प्रति चिंता प्रकट हुई।
  • English: The benevolent ruler initiated welfare programs to uplift the marginalized sections of society.
  • Hindi: दयालु शासक ने समाज के छोटे तबके की सुधार के लिए कल्याणकारी कार्यक्रम शुरू किए।
  • English: The NGO’s benevolent efforts provided education and healthcare services to remote villages.
  • Hindi: एनजीओ के दयालु प्रयासों ने दूरस्थ गांवों में शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य सेवाएं प्रदान की।

Synonyms of Benevolent: kind, charitable, and generous.

Antonyms of Benevolent: malicious, cruel, and unkind.


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