Black Sheep Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Black sheep – Noun

Black Sheep Meaning in English:

      • blemish

A person who is considered different, disreputable, or the odd one out within a group or family.

Black Sheep Meaning in Hindi:

      • कलंक

Use of “Black Sheep” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: Among the successful businessmen in the family, Ravi was the black sheep, as he chose to pursue a career in art.
  • Hindi: परिवार में सफल व्यापारियों के बीच, रवि को कला में करियर बनाने के चलते अलग माना गया, वह वाकई ‘काला भेड़’ था।
  • English: Among the academically inclined siblings, Maya was the black sheep, more interested in pursuing her passion for dance than her studies.
  • Hindi: शैक्षिक रुझान वाले भाई-बहनों के बीच, माया अध्ययन से ज्यादा नृत्य के प्रति अपनी रुचि के पीछे भाग रही थी, वह सचमुच में ‘काली भेड़’ थी।
  • English: Rahul was the black sheep of the family due to his involvement in criminal activities, causing embarrassment to his law-abiding relatives.
  • Hindi: कानून अपराधों में संलिप्त होने के कारण, राहुल परिवार की ‘काली भेड़’ थे, जो उसके सभी ईमानदार रिश्तेदारों को शर्मिंदा कर देते थे।

Synonyms of Black Sheep: oddball, misfit, and outsider.

Antonyms of Black Sheep: conformist, insider, and member of the in-crowd.


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