Bucolic Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Bucolic – Adjective

Bucolic Meaning in English:

        • Rural
        • Country

It often conveys a sense of simplicity, rustic charm, and a connection to the countryside, particularly in relation to rural life or nature.

Bucolic Meaning in Hindi:

        • ग्रामीण
        • छविक

Use of “Bucolic” Word in Sentences, Examples

English: The bucolic landscape of rolling hills and meadows was a peaceful retreat.
Hindi: हलके झूलते पहाड़ों और घास के मैदानों का ग्रामीण दृश्य शांति द्वारा गुजारने के लिए एक शांत स्थल था।
English: The old farmhouse exuded a bucolic charm with its wooden fences and open fields.
Hindi: पुराना किला अपनी लकड़ी की बाड़ों और खुले खेतों के साथ ग्रामीण सौंदर्य को दिखाता था।
English: She yearned for a bucolic life away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Hindi: उसकी इच्छा थी कि वह शहर की हलचल से दूर एक ग्रामीण जीवन की ओर बढ़े।

Synonyms of Bucolic: Rural, rustic, country, pastoral, idyllic

Antonyms of Bucolic: Urban, metropolitan, city, cosmopolitan, suburban


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