Cachinnate Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Cachinnate – Verb

Cachinnate Meaning in English:

      • to laugh loudly or immoderately.

Cachinnate Meaning in Hindi:

      • अट्टहास
      • ठहाका मारना

Use of “Cachinnate” Word in Sentences, Examples

English: The comedian’s jokes were so funny that the entire audience began to cachinnate.
Hindi: हास्यकार के चुटकुले इतने मजेदार थे कि पूरा दर्शक समुदाय उच्च आवाज़ में हँसने लगा।
English: When they saw their friend’s hilarious dance moves, they couldn’t help but cachinnate.
Hindi: जब उन्होंने अपने दोस्त के हास्यपूर्ण नृत्य को देखा, वे उच्च आवाज़ में हँसने से रोक नहीं सके।
English: Despite the serious atmosphere, his infectious laughter made everyone cachinnate.
Hindi: गंभीर वातावरण के बावजूद, उनकी प्रसरणीय हँसी ने सभी को उच्च आवाज़ में हँसाया।

Synonyms of Cachinnate: Guffaw, belly laugh, chortle, laugh heartily

Antonyms of Cachinnate: Sob, weep, cry, mourn


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