Consummate Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Consummate – Adjective

Consummate Meaning in English:

      • extremely skilled
      • masterful

It means to complete or perfect something, often to the highest degree.

Consummate Meaning in Hindi:

      • कुशल
      • प्रशंसनीय

Use of “Consummate” Word in Sentences, Examples

English: He was a consummate artist, known for his masterful paintings.
Hindi: वह एक समर्पित कलाकार थे, उनकी प्रमुख पेंटिंग्स के लिए प्रमुख थे।
English: Their teamwork was consummate, resulting in a flawless product.
Hindi: उनकी साझेदारी उत्कृष्ट थी, जिससे एक दोषमुक्त उत्पाद बना।
English: She managed to consummate her dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur through hard work and dedication.
Hindi: वह कड़ी मेहनत और समर्पण के माध्यम से एक सफल उद्यमिनी बनने के सपने को साकार करने में सफल रही।

Synonyms of Consummate: Skilled, masterful, accomplished, perfect, expert
Antonyms of Consummate: Inept, unskilled, mediocre, imperfect, novice


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