Crocodilian Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Crocodilian – Adjective

Crocodilian Meaning in English:

      • reptile of the order Crocodilia
      • Crocodilian reptiles

It describe or refer to animals that belong to the Crocodylia order, which includes crocodiles, alligators, caimans, and gharials.

Crocodilian Meaning in Hindi:

      • मगरमच्छी

Use of “Crocodilian” Word in Sentences, Examples

English: The swamp was home to various crocodilian species, including alligators and caimans.
Hindi: रेगिस्तान में विभिन्न प्रकार के मगरमच्छ जैसे अलीगेटर और कैमनों का घर था।
English: The scientist conducted research on the behavior of crocodilian reptiles in their natural habitats.
Hindi: वैज्ञानिक ने उनके प्राकृतिक आवासों में मगरमच्छ रेप्टाइल के व्यवहार पर शोध किया।
English: Visitors to the zoo were fascinated by the enormous crocodilian that basked in the sun near the water.
Hindi: चिड़ियाघर के आगंदे के पास सूरज के पास सूरज में पल्ले बैठे विशाल मगरमच्छ से आगंदे के आगंदे वालों को आकर्षित किया।

Synonyms of Crocodilian: Crocodilian reptiles, crocodylians, crocodiles, alligators, gharials
Antonyms of Crocodilian: N/A


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