Destitute – Adjective
Destitute Meaning in English:
- penniless
- impoverished
- poverty-stricken
It describes someone who is extremely poor and lacks the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing.
Destitute Meaning in Hindi:
- अकिंचन
- निर्धन
- दीन-हीन
Use of “Destitute” Word in Sentences, Examples
- English: The earthquake left many families destitute, without homes and means to survive.
- Hindi: भूकंप ने कई परिवारों को बेसहारा छोड़ दिया, जो घरों और जीविका के साधनों से वंचित थे।
- English: The orphanage provides shelter and support to destitute children from all over the city.
- Hindi: यतीमखाना शहर के सभी जगह से बेसहारा बच्चों को आश्रय और समर्थन प्रदान करता है।
- English: She dedicated her life to helping the destitute and homeless people in the slums.
- Hindi: उन्होंने अपना जीवन बेसहारा और बेघर लोगों की मदद करने में समर्पित किया था।
Synonyms of Destitute: impoverished, penniless, poor, destitute, needy
Antonyms of Destitute: wealthy, rich, affluent, well-off, prosperous
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