Gravid Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Gravid – Adjective

Gravid Meaning in English:

      • pregnant

It describes a female animal, especially a mammal, that is pregnant or carrying developing offspring.

Gravid Meaning in Hindi:

      • गर्भवती

Use of “Gravid” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: The veterinarian confirmed that the cow was gravid and expected to give birth soon.
  • Hindi: पशुचिकित्सक ने पुष्टि की कि गाय गर्भवती है और जल्दी ही जन्म देने की उम्मीद है।
  • English: The researchers examined the gravid female mosquitoes to study their reproductive patterns.
  • Hindi: शोधकर्ताओं ने गर्भवती मच्छरों का परीक्षण किया ताकि उनके प्रजनन पैटर्न का अध्ययन किया जा सके।
  • English: The wildlife sanctuary is known for its population of gravid tigers, contributing to their conservation efforts.
  • Hindi: वन्यजीव अभयारण्य के प्रसिद्धता का कारण गर्भवती बाघों की जनसंख्या है, जो उनके संरक्षण प्रयासों में सहायता करती है।

Synonyms of Gravid: pregnant, expecting, with child

Antonyms of Gravid: not pregnant, not expecting


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