Hyperbole Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Hyperbole – Noun

Hyperbole Meaning in English:

      • exaggeration
      • overstatement.

It refers to a figure of speech or rhetorical device used for exaggeration or overstatement.

Hyperbole Meaning in Hindi:

      • अतिशयोक्ति

Use of “Hyperbole” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: He used hyperbole to describe his disappointment, saying it felt like the end of the world.
  • Hindi: उसने अपनी निराशा का वर्णन करने के लिए अतिशयोक्ति का प्रयोग किया, कहकर की यह दुनिया के अंत जैसा लग रहा है।
  • English: The salesperson’s claim that their product was selling like hotcakes was just hyperbole.
  • Hindi: विक्रयविद का दावा कि उनका उत्पाद बड़े पैमाने पर बिक रहा है, सिर्फ अतिशयोक्ति था।

Synonyms of Hyperbole: exaggeration, overstatement, amplification

Antonyms of Hyperbole: understatement, litotes, meiosis


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