Indefatigable Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Indefatigable – Adjective

Indefatigable Meaning in English:

      • tireless
      • untiring

It describes a person or their efforts as tireless and persistent, showing an extraordinary amount of energy, determination, and dedication in pursuing a goal or completing a task.

Indefatigable Meaning in Hindi:

      • अथक
      • परिश्रमी

Use of “Indefatigable” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: Despite facing numerous challenges, the indefatigable athlete continued to train relentlessly for the upcoming competition.
  • Hindi: कई सारे संघर्षों का सामना करने के बावजूद, अविश्रांत खिलाड़ी आगामी प्रतियोगिता के लिए बिना थके दिन-रात मेहनत करता रहा।
  • English: The teacher’s indefatigable efforts to improve her students’ academic performance earned her the admiration of the entire school community.
  • Hindi: शिक्षक की अथक कोशिशें उसे अपने छात्रों के अकादमिक प्रदर्शन में सुधार करने के लिए पूरे स्कूल समुदाय की प्रशंसा ला चुकी थी।
  • English: The team’s indefatigable spirit led them to victory in a closely contested match that lasted for several hours.
  • Hindi: टीम की अथक जान और आत्मविश्वास ने उन्हें एक घनिष्ठ युद्ध में विजयी बनाया, जिसमें कई घंटे तक चलने वाली मुकाबला थी।

Synonyms of Indefatigable: tireless, untiring, persevering, persistent, assiduous

Antonyms of Indefatigable: lazy, idle, lethargic, apathetic, supine


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