Jolt Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Jolt – Verb

Jolt Meaning in English:

      • lurch
      • rock

It refers to a sudden, strong, or abrupt movement or impact.

Jolt Meaning in Hindi:

      • झटका

Use of “Jolt” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: The earthquake sent a powerful jolt through the city, causing buildings to shake.
  • Hindi: भूकंप ने शहर में एक मजबूत झटका भेजा, जिससे इमारतें कांपने लगीं।
  • English: The sudden announcement of the new policy sent a jolt through the business community.
  • Hindi: नई नीति के अचानक ऐलान ने व्यापार समुदाय में एक हिलाव भेजा।
  • English: The accident gave him a jolt and made him realize the importance of road safety.
  • Hindi: दुर्घटना ने उसे एक झटका दिया और उसे सड़क सुरक्षा के महत्व को समझाया।

Synonyms of Jolt: startle, shake, jar, jolt, jounce

Antonyms of Jolt: calm, soothe, comfort, relax, ease


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