Longanimity Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Longanimity – Noun

Longanimity Meaning in English:

      •  Patience

It refers to the quality of being patient, enduring hardships or difficulties with calmness and perseverance.

Longanimity Meaning in Hindi:

      • सहिष्णुता
      • सहनशीलता
      • सब्र

Use of “Longanimity” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: Despite facing numerous setbacks, his longanimity helped him stay focused and motivated.
  • Hindi: कई प्रतिबंधों का सामना करने के बावजूद, उसका धैर्य उसे संकल्पित और प्रेरित रखने में मदद की।
  • English: The longanimity of the leader inspired the team to persist in the face of challenges.
  • Hindi: नेता की धैर्यशीलता ने संघ को चुनौतियों के मुख्यालय में जीर्णोद्धार करने के लिए प्रेरित किया।
  • English: The longanimity of the villagers in rebuilding their homes after the flood was admirable.
  • Hindi: बाढ़ के बाद अपने घरों की पुनर्निर्माण में गांववालों का धैर्य प्रशंसनीय था।

Synonyms of Longanimity: patience, forbearance, magnanimity, clemency, leniency

Antonyms of Longanimity: impatience, intolerance, anger, wrath, fury


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