Machete Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Machete – Noun

Machete Meaning in English:

      • chopper
      • billhook

It refers to a large, heavy knife with a broad blade, commonly used as a cutting tool or weapon in certain regions.

Machete Meaning in Hindi:

      • छुरा

Use of “Machete” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: The farmer used a machete to clear the dense vegetation in his field.
  • Hindi: किसान ने अपनी खेत में घने वनस्पति को हटाने के लिए मच्छेटा का उपयोग किया।
  • English: The explorer carried a machete as a tool for survival in the thick jungle.
  • Hindi: खोजी ने घने जंगल में जीवित रहने के लिए मच्छेटा लिया।
  • English: The machete-wielding thief threatened the shopkeeper and demanded money.
  • Hindi: मच्छेटा लेकर आया गया चोर दुकानदार को धमकाकर पैसे मांगा।

Synonyms of Machete: cleaver, chopper, billhook, machette, parang

Antonyms of Machete: knife, dagger, sword, sabre, cutlass


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