Manifest Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Manifest – Adjective

Manifest Meaning in English:

      • obvious
      • clear
      • plain

Manifest Meaning in Hindi:

      • स्पष्ट करना

Use of “Manifest” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: The joy on their faces was manifest when they received the good news.
  • Hindi: अच्छी खबर प्राप्त होने पर उनके चेहरों पर स्पष्ट खुशी थी।
  • English: His talent for music was manifest from a young age.
  • Hindi: उनकी संगीत की प्रतिभा बचपन से ही स्पष्ट थी।
  • English: The artist’s paintings manifest her deep emotions and inner thoughts.
  • Hindi: कलाकार की चित्रकारी उनकी गहरी भावनाओं और आंतरिक विचारों को प्रगट करती है।

Synonyms of Manifest: show, display, evince, evidence, exhibit

Antonyms of Manifest: conceal, hide, obscure, mask


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