Propound – Verb
Propound Meaning in English:
- to suggest a theory
- Put forward
To propound means to put forward or present an idea, theory, argument, or proposal for consideration, discussion, or debate.
Propound Meaning in Hindi:
- प्रतिपादन करना
- विचारार्थ पेश करना
Use of “Propound” Word in Sentences, Examples
English: The scientist propounded a groundbreaking theory about the nature of dark matter in the universe.
Hindi: वैज्ञानिक ने ब्रेकथ्रू सिद्धांत प्रस्तुत किया कि ब्रह्मांड में डार्क मैटर के स्वभाव के बारे में।
English: The philosopher propounded his ideas on ethics during the conference, sparking a lively debate among attendees.
Hindi: दार्शनिक ने नैतिकता पर अपने विचार प्रस्तुत किए क्योंकि सम्मेलन के दौरान, जिनमें उपस्थित लोगों के बीच एक जीवंत बहस फैली।
English: The attorney propounded a series of questions to the witness in the courtroom to establish the facts of the case.
Hindi: वकील ने याचिकालय में साक्षी को मामले के तथ्य स्थापित करने के लिए कई प्रश्न पूछे।
Synonyms of Propound: Present, Put forth, Suggest, Introduce, Submit
Antonyms of Propound: Withdraw, Withhold, Suppress, Conceal, Repress
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