Quandary Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Quandary – Noun

Quandary Meaning in English:

      • State of Uncertainty

It is when someone is faced with a dilemma or a problem that is hard to resolve.

Quandary Meaning in Hindi:

      • असमंजस
      • दुविधा

Use of “Quandary” Word in Sentences, Examples

English: Jane found herself in a quandary when she had to choose between two equally promising job offers.
Hindi: जेन खुद को एक दुविधा में पाई जब उसे दो समान उम्मीदवार नौकरी के बीच चुनना था।
English: The company is in a quandary about whether to expand internationally or focus on the domestic market.
Hindi: कंपनी विदेश में विस्तार करने या घरेलू बाजार पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के बारे में एक दुविधा में है।
English: John’s quandary was whether to tell the truth and face the consequences or continue hiding his mistake.
Hindi: जॉन की दुविधा यह थी कि क्या सच्चाई बतानी चाहिए और परिणामों का सामना करना है या अपनी गलती छुपाने की प्रक्रिया जारी रखनी चाहिए।

Synonyms of Quandary: Dilemma, Predicament, Conundrum, Quagmire, Predicament
Antonyms of Quandary: Certainty, Solution, Simplicity, Clarity, Ease



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