Sagacious Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Sagacious – Adjective

Sagacious Meaning in English:

      • clever
      • intelligent

A sagacious person is known for their ability to make wise decisions, understand complex issues, and provide valuable insights.

Sagacious Meaning in Hindi:

      • निपुण
      • बुद्धिमान

Use of “Sagacious” Word in Sentences, Examples

English: The sagacious elder of the village was often sought after for advice, as his wisdom and experience were highly respected.
Hindi: गांव के दूरदर्शी बुजुर्ग की सलाह की खोज की जाती थी, क्योंकि उनका ज्ञान और अनुभव बेहद सम्मानित थे।
English: Her sagacious approach to problem-solving helped the company navigate through challenging times and make strategic decisions.
Hindi: उनका बुद्धिमान समस्या समाधान के प्रति दृष्टिकोण ने कंपनी को चुनौतीपूर्ण समयों में साझा करने और रणनीतिक निर्णय करने में मदद की।
English: The sagacious professor’s lectures were not only informative but also inspiring, leaving a profound impact on his students.
Hindi: विद्वान प्रोफेसर के व्याख्यान सिर्फ जानकारिक नहीं थे, बल्कि प्रेरणादायक भी थे, जिनसे उनके छात्रों पर गहरा प्रभाव पड़ा।

Synonyms of Sagacious: Wise, knowledgeable, intelligent, perceptive, insightful.
Antonyms of Sagacious: Unwise, foolish, ignorant, shortsighted, naive.


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