Serendipity Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Serendipity – Noun

Serendipity Meaning in English:

      • blessing
      • chance
      • hit

It describes the act of finding something valuable or enjoyable without specifically looking for it.

Serendipity Meaning in Hindi:

      • आकस्मिक लाभ
      • सौभाग्यवश

Use of “Serendipity” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: During his travels in India, he experienced serendipity when he stumbled upon a hidden, picturesque village.
  • Hindi: भारत में यात्रा करते समय, उसे यह सरप्राइज हुआ कि वह एक छिपा हुआ, प्राकृतिक गांव मिल गया।
  • English: Their successful business partnership was a result of serendipity; they met at a random networking event
  • Hindi: उनकी सफल व्यापारिक साझेदारी सरप्राइज का परिणाम थी; वे एक यादृच्छिक नेटवर्किंग कार्यक्रम में मिले।
  • English: The meeting of two great minds in the conference was a serendipitous event for intellectual discourse.
  • Hindi: संगोष्ठी में दो महान मस्तिष्कों की मुलाकात एक तरंगत्मक चर्चा के लिए एक सरप्राइजी घटना थी।

Synonyms of Serendipity: luck, coincidence, fluke, windfall, opportunity.

Antonyms of Serendipity: choice, volition, misfortune.


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