Subvention Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Subvention – Noun

Subvention Meaning in English:

      •  help
      • support
      • patronage.

A grant of financial aid, especially by a government to an institution or industry.

Subvention Meaning in Hindi:

      • सहयोग
      • अनुकूलता

Use of “Subvention” Word in Sentences, Examples

  • English: The government announced a subvention scheme to provide financial aid to small-scale farmers
  • Hindi: सरकार ने छोटे किसानों को वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान करने के लिए एक सब्वेंशन योजना की घोषणा की।
  • English: The university received a subvention from a corporate sponsor to establish a research center.
  • Hindi: विश्वविद्यालय कोरपोरेट स्पॉन्सर से एक शोध केंद्र स्थापित करने के लिए एक सब्वेंशन प्राप्त किया।
  • English: The housing project was made possible with the help of a government subvention.
  • Hindi: आवास परियोजना को सरकारी सब्वेंशन की सहायता से संभव बनाया गया।

Synonyms of Subvention: grant, subsidy, allowance, assistance, aid, support

Antonyms of Subvention: withdrawal, cutback, reduction, decrease, lessening


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