Unprincipled Meaning in English & Hindi, Synonyms, Antonyms

Unprincipled – Adjective

Unprincipled Meaning in English:

      • Immoral
      • Unethical

Lacking moral principles or ethical standards; not governed by or adhering to principles of right and wrong.

Unprincipled Meaning in Hindi:

      • अदर्शहीन
      • नैतिक तत्वों की अभावशीलता

Use of “Unprincipled” Word in Sentences, Examples

English: The unprincipled politician resorted to bribery and corruption to win the election.
Hindi: अदर्शहीन राजनीतिज्ञ ने चुनाव जीतने के लिए घूस और भ्रष्टाचार का सहारा लिया.
English: His unprincipled behavior in the workplace led to his dismissal from the job.
Hindi: उनका अदर्शहीन व्यवहार कार्यस्थल में उनके नौकरी से निकाल दिया गया.
English: Unprincipled business practices harm not only competitors but also consumers.
Hindi: अदर्शहीन व्यापारिक अभ्यास न केवल प्रतिस्पर्धी को हानि पहुंचाते हैं, बल्कि उपभोक्ताओं को भी.

Synonyms of Unprincipled: Unethical, immoral, amoral, dishonest, corrupt.
Antonyms of Unprincipled: Principled, ethical, moral, honest, upright.


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