One Word Substitution Quiz 16


One Word Substitution Quiz 16- Choose the best one out of the four alternatives which can be substituted for the given group of words/sentence-

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1. Dissection of a dead body to find out the cause of death


2. A person who gambles or bets


3. A hall or building equipped for physical exercise


4. A word composed of the first letters of the word in a phrase


5. A person who cannot make a mistake


6. Person who directs preparation of a newspepar


7. Place that provides refuge


8. Someone who collects and studies coins and medals


9. Spoil (something which is valued or respected)


10. A military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force


11. Suggestive of the isolated life of an island


12. Be the embodiment or perfect example of


13. Changing in shape, appearance etc


14. The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs


15. A low area storm with hight winds rotating about a centre of low atmospheric pressure


16. Murder of one’s father


17. An extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque period or situation


18. A book containing various branches of knowledge arranged in alphabetical order


19. One who eats human flesh


20. The act of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen






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