One Word Substitution Quiz 24By Kirti One Word Substitution Quiz 24- Choose the best one out of the four alternatives which can be substituted for the given group of words/sentence- Please enter your email: 1. Study of the nature of God Philosophy Theology Philology Humanism 2. Living at the same time Concurrent Coincident Contemporary Concomitant 3. A fixed orbit in space in relation to earth Geo Stationary Geological Geo Centric Geo Synchronous 4. The practise of having many wives Polygamy Calligraphy Bigamy Polyandry 5. A person claiming to be superior in culture and intellect to others Intellectual Elite Aristocrat Highbrow 6. That which cannot be defeated Invulnerable Invincible Indictable Infallible 7. Concluding part of a literary work Soliloquy Epilogue Bibliography Episode 8. An area where wild birds or animals protected and encouraged to breed Temple Sanctuary Shrine Asylum 9. A place where beer is made Chalet Bust Brewery Cannibal 10. Intense desire to be open spaces Angromania Dromomania Gallomania Logomania 11. A person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people. Chaperon Matron Chandler Spinster 12. A method which never fails Infallible Irremediable Irreparable Unflinching 13. Something which cannot be believed Incredible Inevitable Ineffable Ineluctable 14. A complete victory End Finish Stop Clean Sweep 15. A long, narrow trench made in the ground by a plough Furrow Trench Vale Trough 16. A person who never takes alcoholic drinks Bagpiper Alcoholic Addict Teetotaller 17. A tank where fish or water plants are kept Sanatorium Aquarium Aviary Nursery 18. Detaining and confining someone Interment Internment Interruption Interrogation 19. A piece of music for two performers Singer Estuary Duet Topple 20. A strong dislike Reciprocity Entreaty Malice Animosity Loading …