One Word Substitution Quiz 26By Kirti One Word Substitution Quiz 26- Choose the best one out of the four alternatives which can be substituted for the given group of words/sentence- Please enter your email: 1. Someone who knows more than two languages Polyglot Polymers Polygenta Polygyny 2. Study of population Dactylogy Ophthalmology Ophilogy Demography 3. An area of land that is controlled by their religion Carnivorous Synagogue Cathedral Municipality 4. Science of human mind and behavior Physiology Psychology Philology Sociology 5. Study of trees Dendrology Demography Dermatology Dactylogy 6. Telling future by examining one’s hands Saint Predict Palmistry Fortuner 7. A type of mental illness in which one desire’s to steal Hyponamia Klebsiella Clephomania Kleptomania 8. Ridiculous use of words Onomatopeia Neologism Pun Malapropism 9. Remove the outer covering or skin from Henotheism Peel Theism Atheism 10. Suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief. Maxim Tenet Doctrine Postulate 11. One who is greedy Virus Avaricious Omnivorous Voracious 12. An animal story with a moral Parable Narrative Fable Anecdote 13. The short remaining end of a cigarette Scrap Stub Butt Stump 14. A place where Jews worship according to their Religion Cathedral Synagogue Demagogue Chapel 15. Not affected by a given influence Flexible Immune Supple Deficiency 16. A thing to be corrected, typically an error in a printed book. Improved Corrigendum Edited Error 17. Large number of insects,birds etc.moving about Group Swarm Pack Crowd 18. A representative on a special mission Chauffeur Successor Courier Emissary 19. There was a big applause when he delivered his speech for the first time Introductory Speech Concluding Speech Initial Speech Maiden Speech 20. One who is indifferent to pleasure and pain Sceptical Stoic Ascetic Esoteric Loading …