One Word Substitution Quiz 3


One Word Substitution Quiz 3- Choose the best one out of the four alternatives which can be substituted for the given group of words/sentence-

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1. One who does not believe in god


2. To free completely from blame


3. A constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements


4. Theft of another person’s writings or ideas and passing them off as one’s own


5. A legal agreement that allows someone to use a building or land for a period of time, usually for rent.


6. A series of lectures or lessons


7. The practise of having many wives


8. Design made by putting together coloured pieces of glass or stones


9. A solution for all


10. A place where dead bodies are buried


11. The study of insects


12. An area where wild birds or animals protected and encouraged to breed


13. Thawing snow


14. Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported on exported


15. A child who stays away from school without leave


16. Science of the races of mankind


17. A woman whose husband is died and who has not married again


18. Sole right to make and sell some invention


19. A picture of a person or a thing drawn in such a highly exaggerated manner as to cause laughter


20. A list of dishes





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