One Word Substitution Quiz 30By Kirti One Word Substitution Quiz 30- Choose the best one out of the four alternatives which can be substituted for the given group of words/sentence- Please enter your email: 1. Murder of a new born child Homicide Infanticide Regicide Fraticide 2. A person who manages the financial affairs of a college or school Philanthropy Bursar Turnstile Benevolence 3. One who hates women Feminist Effeminate Misogynist Misanthrope 4. Change in form, nature, or substance. Substitute Transmute Remodel Modulate 5. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s bank Archipelago Swamps Hinterland Isthmus 6. Goods that have been imported or exported illegally Cahoots Contraband Goods Cache 7. Impossible to stop or prevent. Impregnable Inexorable Inexplicable Infallible 8. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge Verbose Pedantic Pompous Ornate 9. A speech delivered for the first time Primary Speech Impromptu Speech Maiden Speech Harangue 10. A woman with dark brown hair Dotard Brunette Blonde Philogynist 11. A person or animal having both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics Hermaphrodite Derivative Inferential Suggestive 12. Careful not to harm or inconvenience others Obstinate Considerate Humble Rash 13. An instrument for measuring the force of the wind Telescope Anemometer Micrometer Manometer 14. Liable to be easily broken Thin Hard Brittle Weak 15. The movement of a soul into another body after death Transmigration Extrapolation Metamorphosis Transition 16. A gigantic statue Agree Decline Kirk Colossus 17. To play the part of, and function as some other person Act Pretend Impersonate Imitate 18. A person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain Magician Liar Imposter Rogue 19. Clumsy or ill bred fellow Boor Lout Oaf Yokel 20. One who thinks that human nature is essentially evil Sceptic Agnostic Misogynist Cynic Loading …