One Word Substitution Quiz 31

One Word Substitution Quiz 31- Choose the best one out of the four alternatives which can be substituted for the given group of words/sentences-

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1. Pertaining to cattle


2. The press; the profession of journalism


3. Study of insects


4. A widely accepted rule of conduct or general truth briefly expressed


5. Code of deplomatic etiquette and precedence


6. Belief of one god


7. Philosophy of selflessness


8. A secret massage written in code


9. Walk in a slow relaxed way


10. A crime regarded more serious than a misdemeanour.


11. A large, tall cupboard in which clothes may be hung or stored.


12. A severe defeat after a time of unusual success


13. A prolonged state of deep unconsciousness, caused especially by severe injury or illness


14. An annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables


15. Related to cancer


16. A large group of star


17. Study of skin


18. Travel regularly between two or more places


19. One who copies from other writers


20. A public show of objects


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