Burning and combustion

Burning and combustion

Burning and combustion both refer to the process of a substance reacting with oxygen to produce heat and light. However, the terms are often used in slightly different contexts.

Burning is a more general term that can refer to any chemical reaction that produces heat and light, not necessarily involving oxygen. For example, burning can occur in a chemical reaction with fluorine or chlorine.

Combustion specifically refers to the reaction between a fuel and oxygen. Combustion reactions are typically exothermic, meaning they release heat, and are often accompanied by a flame. Examples of combustion reactions include burning fossil fuels, wood, and other organic materials.

Conditions necessary for combustion

The three necessary conditions for combustion are:

  1. Fuel: A substance that can undergo combustion to release energy.
  2. Oxygen: A gas that is required for combustion to occur. It combines with the fuel to release energy and produce carbon dioxide and water vapor.
  3. Heat: A source of energy that is required to initiate the combustion reaction. Once combustion has started, it can be self-sustaining as long as there is sufficient fuel and oxygen.
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