Difference Between Payments Bank, Traditional Bank, And Wallet 

Difference Between Payments Bank, Traditional Bank, And Wallet 

Difference Between Payments Bank, Traditional Bank, And Wallet 

Here’s a table that outlines the key differences between payments banks, traditional banks, and digital wallets:

Criteria Payments Bank Traditional Bank Digital Wallet
Regulatory Body Regulated by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Regulated by RBI Not regulated by RBI
Type of Account Savings Account Savings Account, Current Account, Fixed Deposit Account E-wallet, Prepaid Wallet
Maximum Balance Rs. 2 lakhs per customer No limit Rs. 1 lakh per customer for non-KYC wallets, Rs. 2 lakh per customer for KYC wallets
Interest Rates Generally higher than traditional banks Varies depending on type of account and bank policy No interest or very low interest rates
Loans Cannot provide loans or issue credit cards Can provide loans and issue credit cards Cannot provide loans or issue credit cards
Branch Network Limited branch network, usually in rural or remote areas Extensive branch network, usually in urban areas No physical branches
Debit/ATM Card Usually provided Usually provided May or may not be provided
Services Offered Mobile and internet banking, money transfer, bill payments, and other basic banking services Wide range of banking services including investment services, insurance, and loans Money transfer, mobile and internet banking, online payments, and other basic banking services
Fees and Charges Usually lower than traditional banks Varies depending on type of account and bank policy Varies depending on wallet provider and usage
Security Secure, but limited services may pose risks Secure, with comprehensive security measures in place Secure, but digital wallets may be vulnerable to cyber attacks
Customer Base Primarily targets unbanked and underbanked populations Targets all segments of the population Primarily targets tech-savvy customers and millennials

It’s important to note that these differences can vary depending on the specific

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