Magnetite (Fe3O4)

Magnetite (Fe3O4)

  • Magnetite is a mineral and one of the main iron ores, with the chemical formula Fe3O4.
  • It is a black or brownish-black mineral with a metallic luster and is magnetic in nature.
  • The mineral is found in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
  • Magnetite is a major source of iron and is used in the production of steel.
  • It is also used as a catalyst, abrasive, and as a magnetic coating for recording media.
  • Due to its magnetic properties, it is used in the manufacturing of various electronic components like speakers, hard disks, and magnetic resonance imaging machines (MRI).
  • Magnetite is also used in the production of heavy concrete and in the formation of dense aggregate for shielding structures from radiation.
  • It has a wide range of applications in the chemical industry and is used as a catalyst in various chemical reactions.
  • The largest deposits of magnetite are found in Australia, China, Russia, and the United States.
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