Ram Setu or Sethusamudram

Ram Setu or Sethusamudram

Ram Setu, also known as Adam’s Bridge, is a chain of limestone shoals between the southern coast of India and the northern coast of Sri Lanka. According to Hindu mythology, the bridge was built by Lord Rama and his army of monkeys to cross the sea and reach Lanka to rescue his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana.

In recent times, the Ram Setu has gained attention due to the proposed Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project, which aims to create a navigable shipping route between the Gulf of Mannar and the Bay of Bengal by dredging a canal through the Ram Setu. The project has faced opposition from various environmentalists, religious groups, and political parties who believe that the project would destroy the Ram Setu, which is considered a holy site by many Hindus.

The project has been under review by the Indian government for several years, and various committees and studies have been conducted to assess the environmental and social impact of the project. While some experts believe that the project would benefit the shipping industry and promote economic growth, others argue that it would cause irreparable damage to the fragile marine ecosystem and disrupt the livelihoods of the local fishing communities.

As of now, the project remains controversial, and its fate is uncertain. The issue has become a matter of national debate, and it remains to be seen whether the Indian government will go ahead with the project or take steps to preserve the Ram Setu as a cultural and environmental heritage site.

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