Seasonal Rhythm of Monsoon in Peninsular India

Seasonal Rhythm of Monsoon in Peninsular India

Monsoon is a seasonal wind that brings heavy rainfall to many regions of the world. In India, monsoon refers specifically to the seasonal wind system that brings rain to the subcontinent from June to September. The seasonal rhythm of monsoon in peninsular India is characterized by two distinct phases: the onset phase and the withdrawal phase.

Onset Phase: The onset of monsoon in peninsular India typically occurs around the first week of June. This is marked by the arrival of the southwest monsoon winds, which originate from the Indian Ocean and move towards the Indian subcontinent. These winds bring heavy rainfall to the west coast of peninsular India, including the states of Kerala, Karnataka, and Maharashtra. The onset of monsoon is usually accompanied by strong winds and thunderstorms, and the rainfall gradually spreads to other parts of the region over the next few weeks.

Withdrawal Phase: The withdrawal of monsoon from peninsular India begins in September and is typically complete by the end of October. During this phase, the southwest monsoon winds start to weaken and shift towards the southeast, away from the Indian subcontinent. As a result, the amount of rainfall decreases gradually, and the monsoon gradually retreats from peninsular India. The withdrawal of monsoon is usually marked by a decrease in humidity and a decrease in the frequency of rainfall.

Overall, the seasonal rhythm of monsoon in peninsular India plays a critical role in the agriculture, economy, and culture of the region. The heavy rainfall brought by the monsoon is essential for the growth of crops, and the timing of the monsoon is closely monitored by farmers and meteorologists alike.

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