Semi-compact or Semi-clustered Settlements

Semi-compact or Semi-clustered Settlements

Semi-compact or semi-clustered settlements refer to communities that are less densely populated and less tightly clustered compared to compact settlements. This type of settlement pattern is characterized by a mix of clustered and dispersed development, often found in suburban or peri-urban areas.

Some of the key features of semi-compact settlements include:

  1. Buildings and structures are arranged in a semi-clustered pattern, with some clustering of buildings and some open space or green areas between them.
  2. Semi-compact settlements have a lower population density compared to compact settlements, with fewer people living in a larger area.
  3. Semi-compact settlements tend to have a mix of land uses, with residential, commercial, and industrial activities often located close to each other.
  4. Transportation infrastructure tends to be a mix of private vehicles, public transportation, and pedestrian and bike paths.
  5. Semi-compact settlements can have a more suburban or rural character, with a mix of built and natural features, including parks, gardens, and water bodies.
  6. Social and cultural activities tend to take place in private spaces such as homes and community centers, as well as public spaces such as parks and public squares.
  7. Semi-compact settlements can offer the benefits of both compact and dispersed settlements, including a lower ecological footprint compared to dispersed development and greater access to green space compared to compact development.

Overall, semi-compact settlements can provide a balance between urban and rural lifestyles, with access to amenities and services while also offering a connection to nature and open spaces. To ensure sustainable and inclusive development in semi-compact settlements, it is important to consider factors such as transportation infrastructure, land use planning, and access to basic services such as water and sanitation.

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