The season of Retreating Monsoon

The season of Retreating Monsoon

The season of retreating monsoon in Peninsular India typically occurs between October and November, and it is characterized by the gradual withdrawal of the monsoon winds and a decrease in rainfall. During this period, the monsoon gradually retreats from the region, and the weather becomes drier and cooler.

The onset of the season of retreating monsoon in Peninsular India is marked by the weakening of the southwest monsoon winds and the appearance of clear skies. As the monsoon gradually retreats from the region, the amount of rainfall decreases, and the weather becomes less humid.

The season of retreating monsoon in Peninsular India is characterized by cooler temperatures, with the daytime temperature ranging between 25°C and 30°C in most parts of the region. The nighttime temperature also decreases, often dropping below 20°C in some areas.

The season of retreating monsoon in Peninsular India is also associated with occasional spells of rain, known as the “October rains” or the “post-monsoon showers.” These showers are usually short-lived but can be heavy at times, especially in the eastern and northeastern parts of the region.

The season of retreating monsoon in Peninsular India is an important period for agriculture, as it provides a window of opportunity for farmers to harvest their crops before the arrival of the winter season. It is also a popular time for tourism, with many tourists visiting popular destinations such as Goa, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu to enjoy the pleasant weather and explore the region’s cultural and natural heritage.

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