History MCQ Test – 10

Read the questions given below. Select the best from the given 4 options-

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1. The Portuguese under the leadership of Vasco da Gama in 1498 first landed at


2. Who among the following came to India at the instance of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni?


3. Alexander the Great died at ______.


4. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on 15th March ______.


5. Two women who, while conducting the affairs of their states faced Akbar’s wars of conquest were Rani Durgawati and Chand Bibi (or Sultana), respectively of


6. Megasthanese was a Greek Ambassador sent to the court of ______.


7. The Buddhist Doctrines were written in


8. When was the First Round Table Conference held?


9. Which of the following subjects is not dealt with in the Puranas?


10. The first constitutional measure Introduced by the British in India which worked till the framing of the Indian Constitution was


11. Rana Kumbha built the famous ‘Tower of Victory’ or Kirtistambha at Chittoor in commemoration of his victory against


12. The Lucknow Session of INC and the Lucknow Pact (1916) were significant on account of


13. The last constitutional provision (covering undivided India) passed by the House of Commons was


14. The Nanda dynasty was established by


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