History MCQ Test – 11By Vinay Pal History MCQ Test- Read the questions given below. Select the best from the given 4 options- Please enter your email: 1. The Mughal subdued the Pathans by following the policy of Association Annexation Co-existence Divide and rule 2. The architectural structures constructed by Shah Jahan did not include Jama Masjid in Delhi Red Fort in Delhi Moti Masjid in Agra Jahangir’s mausoleum in Lahore 3. Who is the author of the famous book Gita Gobinda? Kautilya Jaydev Mirabai Kalidas 4. The language adopted for preaching In Mahayana Buddhism was Sanskrit Prakrit Brahmi Pali 5. Muslim communalism was lent an impetus by the activities of Liaqat Hussain Sayyid Ahmad Khan Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Ashfaqullah 6. The Maratha dominion of Shivaji was known as Maratha Rastra Maharajya Swaraj Mulk-i-Qadim 7. In ancient India, Nalanda University represented a great centre for the study of Mahayana Buddhism Jainism Hinduism Hinayana Buddhism 8. Ashoka’s prime claim to greatness lay in The promotion of people’s welfare by him His marathon army His extensive conquests His Exclusive Patronage Of Buddhism 9. Vivian Derozio had been associated with the ______ movement. Young Bengal Swadeshi Young India Back to the Vedas 10. The Mughal troops were largely drawn from The Rajput Chiefs Tributary Chiefs Mansabdars Central Contingents 11. The Administrative Council of Shivaji was known as Rajyaparishad Parishad Mantriparishad Ashtapradhan 12. The temples known as the Seven Pagodas had been built by the Hoysalas Chalukyas Pallavas Cholas 13. The Prarthana Samaj had been established by Keshub Chandra Sen Raja Ram Mohan Roy MN Roy Swami Vivekananda 14. The founder-president of India independence League was Subhas Chandra Bose Rash Behari Bose Motilal Nehru MK Gandhi 15. During whose reign did William Hawkins visit the Mughal court to secure a right to trade in Mughal ports? Jahangir Shah Jahan Aurangzeb Akbar Loading …