History MCQ Test – 34By Vinay Pal History MCQ Test Read the questions given below. Select the best from the given 4 options- Please enter your email: 1. Of the following who are not given reserved seats in the Indian legislature? Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribes Landed Gentry Anglo-Indian 2. The earnings of the kings in the Medieval age were mostly derived from Trade Industrial production Land revenue Offerings made at the temples 3. The Gupta king who is known in the Indian legends as Vikramaditya was Samudragupta Chandragupta II Chandragupta I Skandagupta 4. Who had founded the Indian Home Rule Society? Shyamji Krishna Varma Madan Lal Dhingra Lala Hardayal V D Savarkar 5. During the freedom struggle, a parallel movement launched in the Indian states (in the states ruled by the Indian rulers such as Kashmir, Nizam’s Hyderabad, Travancore, etc.) was/were Both (a) and (b) above Praja Mandal Movement Swaraj Movement State People’s Movement 6. The Company’s monopoly of trade was abolished by the Act of Pitt’s India Act 1833 1793 1813 7. During the last 25 years of his reign, Aurangzeb was mainly involved in long-drawn wars against All the above Golconda Marathas Bijapur 8. In which of the following Satyagraha campaigns, Gandhiji did not participate directly? Kheda Satyagraha Vaikom Satyagraha Non-Cooperation Movement Rajkot Satyagraha 9. Alauddin Khalji’s commander who led the campaign to South India was Ulugh Khan Nusrat Khan Alpkhan Malik Kafur 10. Jammi Mosque was built at Delhi Sambhal Lahore Agra 11. Shivaji crowned himself at Bijapur Rajgarh Konkan Poona 12. The Non-Cooperation Movement under Gandhi was in full swing during the Viceroyalty of Hardinge Reading Chelmsford Irwin 13. The Ilbert Bill introduced In Lord Ripon’s reign is significant because it removed racial discrimination from the judicial services it limited the Britishers political authority it debarred Indians from entering the civil services it put restrictions on the vernacular press 14. Name the Mughal emperor occupying the throne of Delhi when the revolt of 1857 took place Humayun Shah Alam II Jahandar Shah Bahadur Shah Zafar Loading …